2023 Best paper award at Teaching & Education Research Association (TERA) conference, in Lisbon,Portugal September 25-28,2023; https://teraweb.org/tera
The project involves establishing regional Hubs for SD
- 2018-2019
- EduBalt project, co-operation with Uppsala University/SWEDESD http://www.balticuniv.uu.se/projects/edubup/
- 2017 Edu BALT project (in co-operation with SWEDESD and Baltic University Programme). Reorienting education in the post 2015 UN agenda.
- 2016-2018 Expert contract for the Erasmus+ project with multiple beneficiaries „Together: best practices exchange for integrating refugees”
- Research project "Sustainable development. Sustainability Principles for Governance and Action on Community and National level"
- Statera is participating in Estonian Civil Society Initiative for Community Practice for students.
- "Local Research and Education Hubs-key for sustainability education"
The project involves establishing regional Hubs for SD
- "Sustainable development-Partners in Change". The Innovation Boot Camp for Public Sector
Leaders of Finland and Estonia -development program (co-ordinated by Innotiimi Oy, Finland)
- "Healthy communities-integrated co-operation between municipal institutions" . Training programme for local municipality officers of Viljandi County, Estonia (co-ordinated by Statera).The project involves training sessions for municipality officers. The topic ranges from empowerment of communities to individual support for municipality leaders.
- International conference "Pathways to the Future" (co-ordinated by the Environmental Board of Estonia)
- Education for Sustainable Development, Nordplus Project number NPHZ-2014/10085 2014-2015