2023 Best paper award at Teaching & Education Research Association (TERA) conference, in Lisbon,Portugal September 25-28,2023; https://teraweb.org/tera

  • 2018-2019

  • Swedesd
    2017 Edu BALT project (in co-operation with SWEDESD and Baltic University Programme). Reorienting education in the post 2015 UN agenda.
  • 2016-2018 Expert contract for the Erasmus+ project with multiple beneficiaries „Together: best practices exchange for integrating refugees”


  • Research project "Sustainable development. Sustainability Principles for Governance and Action on Community and National level"
   The project involves investigating principles for decision making on governance level in the context of    sustainability challenge and wicked problems.
  • Statera is participating in Estonian Civil Society Initiative for Community Practice for students.

  • "Local Research and Education Hubs-key for sustainability education"  
   Supported by the Council of the Baltic Sea States 
   The project involves establishing regional Hubs for SD

  • "Sustainable development-Partners in Change". The Innovation Boot Camp for Public Sector Leaders of Finland and Estonia -development program (co-ordinated by Innotiimi Oy, Finland)    

  • "Healthy communities-integrated  co-operation between municipal institutions"
    . Training programme for local municipality officers of Viljandi County, Estonia (co-ordinated by Statera).The project involves training sessions for municipality officers. The topic ranges from empowerment of communities to individual support for municipality leaders.
  • International conference "Pathways to the Future" (co-ordinated by the Environmental Board of Estonia)
  • Education for Sustainable Development, Nordplus Project number NPHZ-2014/10085 2014-2015
  • Coordinating institution: Swedish International Centre of Education for Sustainable Development, Campus Gotland, Uppsala University (SE-SWEDESD, UU).The project involves multiple activities in the field of Education for Sustainable Development.